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Nov 07
That’s it just a few pictures in the green,West Coast Composites Partial Kit Build Styrofoam wing, ply sheeted
Nov 03
Nov 01
Under camber on the U/S requires paying close attention when ironing on the covering. Tack at trailing edge, sides, and leading edge. Do not pull tight, just as placed flat on surface is good enough. Then slowly feed in heat with a sock covered iron, slowly you will see the wrinkles disappear as you nail the covering to the under cambered portion first of the underside.
Do not try and work to fast, or you will fold over a wrinkle. Carefully numerous light pressure passes is best
With time work towards the edges, and finally the edges can be finished and trimmed out.
Note: tack all round only or else you will have a mess and can start over with a new sheet, but don’t seal the edges as they may need to give away as you work there later.
It takes me about an hour to do a 25 x 10 section on the U/S of these wings, woo hoo
Oct 30
Oct 27 Fuse Paint
6 coats brushed on, most sanded off between coats, yes a Glass Fuse took on about 35 grams of paint . Last few 3 coats sprayed on yesterday. Nice
I’m going to add a neoprene wear strip on the belly forward of the tow hook.
Oct 06
More Bonus
Just busy cleaning up details, sanding, spoilers control, check alignment , add rudder post. Discovered an Issue with DS09amd servos, so they will be replaced with DS11 amd’s

Fresh air

right wing tip panel top

left wing tip panel

Left wing, bottom spoiler servo opening

Inboard end right panel , top

20 1/2 inch from kink in wing to start of open bay extension
Oct 04
Just some more detail, clean up etc the left wing panels are joined, need to clean up excess glue at the join
The leading edge on the inner panel of the right wing is in place and shaped.

Right wing spoiler servo
Oct 02
All went well, those spoilers should work, and I hope the wings work as they are being glued together as is 🙂

one root rib, and a doubler with a t-nut use a screw to hold the wing to the fuse, or If your into catching tips, perhaps fashion a Hook and add a spring, rubber band or a tie wrap

left inner panel root, seems I got everything as far as housekeeping goes, and hope to retrieve the servo wire sometime later once the root cap is in place. Critical times, hope all the preparation pays off and this thing soars

almost forgot, thought I was finished until I realized I needed a couple magnets and screws to secure the spoilers for most of there flying life

I’ll get those glued in when I glue the root caps

4 MM magnets as I recall, they worked before

wing sandwich with some roots, a fuse and a bit of epoxy for the filler

again, this should set up nicely


Wing tip panel sweep locater, gotta get both sides the same

Height, calculates to a 10 Degree angle, you know, it’s the symetrey I look for and will endevour to make the left panel the same

That wraps things up, yup there’s glue in there and I have it held together. Watch for the uneventful picture of the wing as one piece, soon !!
September 29 – These wings will be beauties, hope it flies 🙂
Oops, put the top sheet on the last inner panel and forgot to cut the opening for the spoiler in the bottom sheet beforehand.
Bonus Footage
Will a flashlight have enough light to shine thru and show me the location
Standby !

I put the panels up against the lite and was able to mark the openings

a sharp blade and a straight edge, and a few scribes later I was thru

here the spoiler servo access , underside

Careful, keep those lines clean and straight

opening exposed, good stuff, I will be able to clean this up and fit the spoiler

There’s the servo lead extension, will have to see If I can squeeze the servo in there later

after some edge work, I got the spoiler in, I am glad I placed frames before I sheeted

tip panels set up and root clean up. One wing like the other


woo hoo for those using Planning Software, this could be a milestone, getting the Panels together
September 26
Those tip extensions are glued to the tip panels
Here are a few Pictures of recent work. Making progress as well with sheeting the inner Panels
Sept 24
Not a fan of springs ? Thoughts on wing retention would also be appreciated
The original Sagitta’s had springs between a couple hooks anchored in the roots of the wings.
Color, color, . It’s not to late 🙂
Fuselage white
wing inner panel (sheeted foam core)
wing mid (sheeted foam core)
wing tip panel (open bay ribs)
Not much detail here, one sheet after the other is glued to the foam wing core panels. At present the 4th and last sheet of the tip panels is curing. The stack gets carefully aligned each time, long set epoxy is spread onto the underside of the ply, and then all cores and in between pieces get weighted down
A day later I can move on.
Oh yes there’s some detail here of the rudder with a couple hinges in place.
Sept 21
soon sheeting, that will wrap the wings up
Sept 16

more details buried in the foam

one of the tip extensions. These will be level with the sheeting on the former tip panel, 120 Plus Wingspan , Nice

10 Degrees here on the polyhedral, a straightedge and square should get the alignment correct on both panels

The key for me is to get the other wing panel the same

slot and fillers , will glue the tip panel in place once sheeting is done

this should work

will need some epoxy here

mid to tip panel will be flat 🙂
Sept 09

Hum, small servo, just need the arm to come up thru and open the spoiler though

spoiler opening

I set the spoiler in place, to hold the frame while the glue sets. I will check for level after

I decided to add a bit of a guide for the canopy, to control left right movement.

added some scaffold below until the spacer is glued to the U/S of the canopy

weighted down while the glue sets

Got some sanding done on the canopy

spoiler in place

small but mitey spoiler servo

the tube blocks are not as high as the space between the spars, I will add a plywood spacer

both spars in place, the inboard end here needs to be sanded to get an angle of 3 Degrees,

I still need to add some clearance at each end of the spoiler for the frame ends

spoiler servo, spoiler, I need to frame the opening such that I have something to fasten the ultracote to
Sept 04 Wing Panels
lower spar build, fin stab control, inner to tip panel joiners, hatch magnets

lower spar with wing rod tube holders

inner foam core, grooves where in place for the lower balsa spar, cutout was made to accept the block, also the cutouts for servo leads spoiler servo, and spoilers need to be added to the cores as required

inner to tip panel join, I wouldn’t be happy with just gluing the joins and not adding a joiner, also have to add a bit of a spar system to the tip panel cores to mate with the joiners

cutout added as required for the joiner

stacked and prepared for adding the lower spar, will use Laminating epoxy,as you can see I also have added a frame for the spoiler servo

some wax paper gets added to protect the next layer of the stack 🙂

all stacked on a flat surface and weighted down

looks good aiming to get this level so that the 1/32 ply that goes on to finish these cores is clean

inner panel , I’m happy so far, there’s a few more steps to go, and these darn things have to be handled with care.

top, as you can see a piece of balsa gets added here as well

adding the final layer of ply to the 3 layer joiners, I have add CF at the center

belcrank install in fin, the 1/8 tube feeds thru the fin sides and gets glued in place. I have a tail post to add later

a couple sets of magnets hold the rear of the canopy down
Aug 27 Fuselage

rear hatch and frame

frame in place under fuselage opening and glued

canopy hatch rear magnet mount

forward hatch pin and grommet
AuG 21 Fuselage work

former at wing rod tube,

Tow hook doubler

formers for the servo tray

formers tacked in place

servo tray, those darn screws with these servos are 1/4 inch to short for my preferred mounting method,, Huum

One of those short screws here
Aug 19 Stab, Rudder

stab control and pivot, tubes and Pins

spacers under tubes get removed later

sheeting needed as well at root

More rudder, with some ply doubling for horn, weights are around here somewhere 12 – 14 Grams I really like these cf trailing edges, hard and straight and easy to sand too. Spiffy 🙂

more rudder

some sanding and shaping done here


push rods aft ends threaded ends get glued in place

ply doubler for tow hook, well it’s under there and glued

back side
July 21 2018, Stab Set

Gotta clean these holes up a bit,
woo hoo, CF TE, some framing, I will had some thickness after
July 18 2018
June 07 2018
May 31 2018
Flat tip panel will be the way this is done.
CF spar 6 mm, cf trailing edge. 10 Inch extensions.
Total span 120 Inch
Nov 8
Bulkheads, push rods, control horns all that good stuff

Control horn, has to clear the fin post and give me the range of motion I need on the stab, yet be strong and lite, will sand away some more material later

Had to thin the base for the sullivan clevis, the threaded link wont be part of the package later, adjustment can be made at the servo end

something like this, though I will need some blocks on either side for axial support

a little room above the axial support bearings , a good spot for a hinge later, This is gonna be tight with the post that I need to add later. Hope it works

Not shown, but I have, while no one was looking added a piece of 1/8 lite ply inside the fuse right where the fin meets the boom. Just something to secure the two push rod tubes to later

The business end, servos under here and a couple pushrods to connect to. More Later

One of two bulkheads, I don’t like doing these as the are custom fit , but feel they are needed so that you have something to squeeze before you send the plane up the line

Forward bulkhead.. This will bot up against the wing rod tube later

woo hoo, I think this is going to work 🙂 Stay tuned, more to come
Nov 04 Last Minute

I did find the roots of the inboard foam cores, and added a slot on both panels to suit the blocks for the tubes.Be prepared I have to get some wire thru for the spoiler servo on each side as well have to set up for opening at bottom as well as top for spoiler

Tow hook, CG behind the center of wingrod by 3/8 inch. I have slotted app 3/4 inch just forward of the CG and then back.

Ok , this should work, I found a 4 MM tow hook, so slot width is 4 mm

Sandwich for inside the fuse, the bottom a piece of light ply, and the top something more robust 1/8 nice ply. Will slot to suit the shank of the 4mm t nut

Something like this should work

I will add a little something later to spread the force a little further then that washer
Nov 04

10 Inch extension

some wing bits, Huum seems I will need some more pieces

8 MM CF spars. I have some 6 as well and am liking that

Access hatch routed out, will have to clean up

A little filing takes care of most of the rough edges

Wing rod hole, will open a bit more later to suite 11/32 brass tube once I check and confirm location of these holes
Nov 02 2017
Double break single break wing? Today hatched as the
Sagitta X
Built from a West Coast Composites Syrofoam , ply sheeted wing Kit, with Fiber Glass Fuselage
Extended Wing Version Sagitta 900 7037 wing Profile
Feb 18

1/64 plywood sheet for the inner and outer wing panels. The outer panels will get extended or replaced perhaps to extend this to a 120 Inch wingspan plane. 🙂

The collection of 9 and 11 mm servos. two for the wings and two for the fuselage

wing rod tubes wing rod etc

Tail kit lumber and hardware as well as spars and wing leading edges. Stab and rudder will be enlarged over the original 100 inch wingspan plane
Feb 17
Some kit pieces and ideas on wing tip extension

I recognize some blocks with slots for the wing rod tubes, and some light ply perhaps to cap the wing root. Of course there’s the wing tips at the bottom
Wood Nose Cover
Not sure what needs to be hacked off, don’t have a good enough picture.
Yes, It would be nice to do a Canopy like on the Airtronics 900 Kits, that also secures the cover between the wings.
Though the fuse is not likely open from behind the wing forward like on the ply sided airtonics kits
Not a fan of springs, thoughts on wing retention would also be appreciated?
3 pin connectors are available from Deans
also a extension from the receiver with a female end(male pins) lying inside the fuse to pick up the servo lead from the wing may be an Option
A extend the wings on the same taper and they just get narrower
B extend the wings same taper but ad another ” kink” in the wind . ala
the Majestic
C build new tip preserve the same chord at the tip as with the shorter tips
I went with Option C when I extended the Elio tips to create the Elio X.
Sagitta 900
I also like option C, but Option A is appealing as well esthetically…..
As for the pushrods – please use a set of the extra carbon rods I sent you. I was thinking that very thought this morning as I was going through my mental checklist (which is usually very short).
I have some thoughts on how to pass the servo spoiler wire through the fuse and hooking up to a lead coming out of the RX….anyway, we can chat about that later.
I was also thinking of hacking off part of the fiberglass nose decking to make a wood nose cover similar to the wood 900 kits – I like how it slides onto fuse and meets the wing turtle deck.
I would like something similar done to the Oly III too……it gives complete access to the whole nose section.
Just my 2 cents – your mileage may vary….