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where it’s 86 degrees this time of year and you can fly everyday if you want.
although I am told there is not a lot of green grass

This has a bit of a Retro look, supposed to look like and replace one from years gone by , that had a bad day. Here’s a pic of the original coming in for the 100 pt landing

the plane was shipped here with a new set of servos, a strange tow hook location, far forward and some details on what it could look like. Will need new servos, paint the fuse, recover the tail, aha 🙂

I cut the servo tray out and went about peeling the white of the tails, as well as some blue as I recall. the horizontal stabs were actually a different size, wowsers plus or minus .030″ was what I thought was the golden rule, well I have some work ahead of me. I did get some feedback finally from a good friend, and friend as well of Mr Miller in Colorado that the tow hook was positioned 1 dollar bill plus a dime back from where the nose cone ends, I measured that from the bottom rather then the top thinking the tow hook should at least be under the wing. Will this thing ever fly 🙂

seems I measured at one point and the towhook was an inch or so forward of it’s recommended spot, this is gonna get interesting, because it appears this will be a rare occasion when I will put someones plane together and give it a toss. By the way there was excess lead in the nose

cavity for ballast or nose weight, I did fashion a set of weights to fit this forward slot later, as well as patched the aft opening which was added for some reason, who knows

the inside shown here is all cleaned up and the aft rectangular hole has been patched. a slot and tow hook where added later, and that basically took care of the mods needed for the fuse before I proceeded with paint stripping and finishing
As far as the wings go, new ends where added to the harnesses, and custom mounts where made for the 6130’s at the flaps, I had a nice set of mounts for the 6110’s and glued those in. Tracked down some .030 lexan and cut new opening covers

There’s some film as well of this bird flying, wow, I never expected such a great ride from a hand toss.
standby, Film at 11 as they say, Thanks