Aquila and Aquila Grande Canopy

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To the best of my knowledge the Aquila and the Aquila Grande used the same Canopy.

Some suggest these also fit the Graupner Cirrus. Having had both, Cirrus as well as Aquilas,  they may well in fact be usable in either case but they are not the same shape, and from my frame of reference not interchangeable.

Of course I am a detail nut.

Aquila Canopy also works with a scratched Cumic as seen here

or scratch built  Mirage here

The Cirrus canopy is much flatter then what Airtronics used for the Aquila and Aquila Grande






These canopies may also fit other planes but are molded specifically for the Aquila and the Aquila Grande

These canopies can be purchased for 25$ (US) each plus shipping, and are formed from .030″ PETG material. Contact the writer(see pic above) with your requirements and to get further Delivery Info, and total Costs with shipping 🙂