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I have built one. I am told it flies great 1st full launch on a Hi Start it was gone for an Hour Plus.
Lets do a Bulk buy, and perhaps a Sailplane Guy , (BK) in Texas can make us a Deal on a few Kits
I still have my Kit here in the Box, and would like to consider building it this Winter
Wanna Join In, have some fun.
I have some ideas, and clarifications over what information is offered with the Kit to improve the BatBox.
Wingspan: 3.6m, 143" Length: 1565mm, 61.5" Weight: 1.6 k g, 54oz Airfoil: E193 3 ch: Rudder, Elevator, Spoiler Electric is an option included
Just a quick NOTE
this Kit is not well suited to first time Builders, there are no instructions, information on the drawings is ambiguous. AS well some build techniques are required to build a durable plane which are not discussed on the Plans. Some 1:1 Scale drawn lines are not accurate and are drawn in the wrong direction leading to measured distances not corresponding to the included dimensions,
In particular dihedral and polyhedral, later plans offer dimensions different then those supplied in the earlier kits. The dihedral joiner at the center panel join was not changed (bigger angle) The plans were not re drawn to reflect these 1:1 dimensions. Ask before you build, or every turn will be an uncontrollable spiral.
Perhaps one day the drawing will be redone to correct errors existing for some time now, and include proper laser cut parts that will result in a plane like that seen at the NATS, where the plane placed very well
However like I said at the very beginning, you can build a great flying plane, once you get thru issues