Nov 10th, who needs a Supra

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I have had this day marked on my Calender since a week ago. Actually it started out as looking like tomorrow would be a better day however as the days went along the better day looks to be today.

Well I’ll take it at 8:30 it was 12 degrees and by 11 or so already up to 19.


There was little to no breeze most of the morning, then later a little westerly wind would cycle thru on occasion.

Of course , it could snow in the next 5 days , so I took the opportunity to remove at least one of the mower decks of a tractor , and get the underside, cleaned out and washed down.


Deck off Ready for the Cleaner


Catcher and Bags, Great for a small 50 x 50 yard, not sure why I have it


Scraped clean , ready for pressure wash











60 Inch deck , the workhorse











I like to pack the decks away, clean and oiled in preparation of next spring, and in the case of the Kubota, well it is needed for the blower and bucket for that winter wonder.:)

Closest to the door, the Supra and the Bird of Time.

They will get a couple runs later, likely the BoT first.

P1170890-002I had the winch out by 11 and got warmed up with a couple 3 1/2 minute flights with the Bot, I was close to the road and a couple lads from New Glasgow stopped by and watched.

Demo flights I suppose, one fella filmed a launch and told me he would post it on Instagram





Just majestic, with it’s own flying style

By the time noon rolled around, I had another 3 and a longer 8 minute flight in the books. I find the BoT quite buoyant thus find myself pointing the nose down often for good performance.

The Supra was sitting next to the garage so, later I suppose sometime afternoon, I had it out for  a 13, 3, 4, and 8 1/2 minute flights .


An effortless plane to fly.

Later I dug a little deeper in my hanger and took down the Elio. Thinking conditions were right for it, the wind was up a bit and had turned to be more from the north. I moved my turnaround a bit further east but left the winch in the same location.

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I got 3 launchs with the Elio and flights of 7, 4, and 10 1/2  minutes. On the first flight I was actually already in my Landing Mode so to speak, and took one last run at about 50 ft up the end of the field. Sometimes the thermal machine is on there, and If I’m lucky I may find something..

Sure enough, I got a bump on one wing and turned in, some 8 to 10 tight turns later I was south of that point 600 ft or so, and back up to 3 or 400 ft.

Awesome , hitching a thermal down low and getting back out.

I beat it north for a bit but couldn’t find anything else.

The last flight I was east of the house, maybe over the road and at 200 -300 ft when I hitched another thermal, this one got me up to over 1000 ft after I tucked in and headed up wind.

Upwind some 1000 to 1500 ft, I was able to harness plenty of rising air effortlessly.

You really need a plane for all conditions and at 3 PM the Elio was awesome.

To round out the day I launched the Bird of Time and got another 5 and 4 minute flight in.

13 launches today, under great conditions for November:):)

and after tossing the Elio around like that it goes to show, one doesn’t need much for a Great Ride